SoftTouch, Inc.
Phone: 301-333-6555
CTB-21 4 Channel Tuner Bank & Caption Data Recovery
$1,695 (w/software )
The CBT-21 is a multi-purpose tuner bank and closed caption data recovery device. It has 4 independent tuners and 4 independent caption recovery channels. This allows you to monitor and capture closed caption (and XDS) data from 4 independent RF sources at the same time. It communicates with a host PC through a single DB-9 RS-232 connector. Channel selection is accomplished by the host PC sending commands to the CBT-21 via the serial port. Recovered caption data is sent to the host via the same serial port connection. Software running on the host will separate the "tagged" caption data so that the closed caption data from each tuner can be stored in individual files. Baseband video and audio outputs also make the CBT-21 useful for general purpose signal monitoring.
CTB21 Rear Panel
RF input Level: 75 ohms, unbalanced
Video Outputs: 4 baseband outputs, 1 volt P-P into 75 ohms
Audio Outputs: 4 baseband outputs, 500 mv into 150 - 10k ohms
RF In: 4 ‘F’ type screw on connectors.
Video out: 4 ‘RCA’ type Phono jacks
Audio out: 4 ‘RCA’ type Phono jacks
Serial Data I/O: DB9 Female DCE
Power: 9VDC Wall Wort
Desk top: 16.5" x 6" x 1.5", 2 lbs.
Rack mount: 19" wide, 1 rack unit high, 6" deep, 2 lbs.
CTB21 Display from PC Screen
Want to know what the competition is talking about ?
Now you can, in a matter of minutes.
Using the CTB-21, you can find out faster than you thought possible. The CTB-21 will recover the closed caption data from the competitors broadcasts in real time, allowing you to instantly be updated on what they are talking about. And, the CTB-21 can monitor 4 off-air or cable stations simultaneously. Supplied PC software allows you to set up when you would like to start and stop monitoring caption data from the competitions stations. Keyword searches allow you to instantly jump to stories that are of particular interest to you. Just imagine having everything that ALL of your competition is talking about on your computer in real time. This information can be distributed to your staff via hardcopy or electronically before the competition is even finished.
Broadcast monitors will find that the CTB-21 greatly simplifies their task of monitoring multiple stations at one time. Using the recovered closed caption data with time and date stamps, they can easily pin point the subject matter that they are interested in.
Order the CTB-21 today. Our 30 day, money back guarantee makes it a risk free choice.
CTB-21. Your ears on ALL of the competition.
$1,295.00 w/o PC based software. $1,695.00 with PC software.
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